How to Redeem Valorant Codes: Redeem Valorant Rewards Free!

The overall sky-high growth of Valorant since its beta release can be attributed to several factors. In between the VCT Tournaments and Patch Updates, Riot provided players with Redeemable Valorant Codes. Although millions of players have already reaped such rewards, here’s how to redeem valorant code for beginners!

How to Redeem Valorant Code For Free?

The Valorant game features numerous collectible items throughout the year in a periodical manner to reward its player base. While most items are available via the Valorant Store or through Valorant Night Market for purchase, freebies also exist.

The Valorant Redeem Codes is how you can obtain the freebie collectibles that you can keep and use.

How to Redeem Valorant Codes

Steps to Redeem Valorant Rewards

There aren’t many elaborate requirements that need to be fulfilled to qualify you to redeem Valorant Codes. Just own an active Riot Games Inc. Account and perform the steps mentioned below to get Free Valorant Items.

  • Visit the Official Valorant Redeem Page.
  • Sign In to your Riot Games Account
  • Please Input the Valorant Redeem Code inside the displayed text box
  • Click on the Redeem Button

Your Valorant Redeem Code Reward should be delivered automatically to your Collection. Check to confirm its success by logging into Valorant Game and accessing the Collection section.

Why Redeem Valorant Rewards From Code?

Usually, it’s alright not to use the Redeem Codes if you don’t prefer doing so. But, these codes offer exclusive rewards available for a limited time only. Such items won’t ever be featured again in Store or Night Market, making the rewards Unique Collectibles.

For instance, the Valorant Redeem Codes given below were available for limited use for respective periods only. The collectible items that could be obtained from the code were released globally, and sometimes they may also feature on the game’s official Twitter Channel.

Note: The codes provided below may have expired due to time-limited availability or redemption limits.

Free Valorant Player Cards

Here are some of the redeem valorant rewards of Player Cards featured to date in the past six months:


Codes Player Cards

Free Valorant Player Titles

The how to redeem valorant code updates could also feature Player Titles fun collectibles.


Free Valorant Gun Buddies

So far, linking Amazon Prime & Riot Games accounts has rewarded players with exclusive gun buddies. Such redeemables are usually offered each month anew. Additionally, free Gun Buddies were also obtained at the time of VCT Finals via Twitch Drops & YouTube Drops.

 how to redeem valorant code

Free Valorant Sprays

The free redeem valorant code hasn’t awarded any Valorant Sprays yet, but Amazon Prime Gaming has done it numerous times.

Free Valorant Gun Skins

Similarly, the free redeem valorant code provisions are yet to feature guns skins, but Amazon Prime does. It has featured Classic, Frenzy, Shorty, etc., gun skins in the past, so expecting another Sheriff skin is entirely possible.

Final Words

Now that you know how to redeem valorant code, keep an eye out for exclusive updates! You can always read about them by accessing our News Section or check out our Game Guides to Get better at the game. In the meantime, Happy Gaming!

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